These starting resources are vital to your survival, so make sure to harvest any you see. You will also find basic ores on the surface, such as coal for torches and trees that can be cut down for lumber. Many NPC houses have chests in them that you can loot for money, items, and on rare occasion, weapons. Since this is your starting planet, you might as well explore it entirely to see what friendly NPC's have also called it home. The next rule to adventuring, stick to the surface for the first little while. Again, they aren't all going to be hostile, but the ones that are tend to be very well armed and will swiftly put you down.
While adventuring along the surface make sure to use caution if you spot any creatures, but be extra careful about approaching NPC's. Although this isn't always the case, it is a good rule to follow that will help extend your life during those early times. The first rule to exploring in Starbound is to assume that everything is hostile. Since the game is random, there is no way to predict what you will see, so instead we will lay out some more generic starting tips. After grabbing your Matter Manipulator from the storage closet, you will be ready to head down to the planet your ship is currently orbiting.